
This update primarily adds more room variety as well as better quality of life for the easier difficulty settings.


- You can pause the game now! Press Escape or Start/Options to open the pause menu. You can use this to respawn if you get stuck (though you'll get eaten in the process), or to restart or quit the game.

- Added a number of additional prefab rooms to make the mansion more interesting.

- Since this will naturally make the game more difficult (fewer of the trivial "filler" rooms), the key rooms now act as checkpoints on the easier difficulties so you don't have to keep traversing the same areas over and over.

- New Barnacle variant that slowly inches toward the closest prey.

- Fixed objects potentially spawning too close to the room exits in generic south + west exit rooms.

- Changed frog tongue collision code to avoid a potential bug where the tongue would get displaced sideways on colliding with prey.

- Changed frog behavior on Sweet difficulty. Prey detection hitbox is now the same thickness as Sour difficulty, but tongue moves much slower. Otherwise one of the new prefab rooms would have actually been harder on Sweet.

- Several cosmetic additions and fixes


OLD - Maw Manor 1.2.0 26 MB
Nov 13, 2024

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